Grown-up Topics

Pet Peeve #2 – Shampoo: An open letter to the hair products industry

Shopping for shampoo is so frustrating. I go down the 15 foot long aisle, read labels on four tiers of the shelving. I see shampoo for dry hair, oily hair, frizzy hair, thin hair, color treated hair, nappy hair, and gray hair. I can find shampoo if I want more body, more shine, more moisture, less moisture, less frizz, fewer tangles, and even one to restore curls. Lots of these have matching conditioners for all the same reasons.

The problem is – I have normal hair. Yes, perfectly normal hair. It’s brown, uncolored, not too dry, not too oily, sufficiently thick, naturally healthy and shiny, with a few streaks of silver (NOT gray, silver) only needs washing every few days, well coiffed, easy to take care of, and no curl or frizz.

Where is the shampoo for me? Yes, where IS the shampoo for me? Normal, wholesome, ordinary shampoo. This is my first pet peeve.

My second pet peeve is packaging. Shampoo people, do you survey customers about packaging before you design these extremely tall skinny containers that are too tall for anyone’s bathroom cupboard and which fall over easily in the shower? Should we be having new shelves built just for these big tall plastic bottles? Do you consider average medicine closets, and over-the-toilet cabinets, and typical bathroom storage when you get together and decide on dimensions? Do you?

I have another pet peeve concerning packaging. The shampoo and conditioner are generally in matching bottles. The writing on them is tiny, or white letters on light green backing, something like a 9 point font, if lucky. This is even worse if you are in a hotel using those lovely little containers provided, with which you are not previously familiar.

So, here is a news flash: People do not wear their eyeglasses in the shower. I’ve tried it, it just doesn’t go well. Who can see through waterly drop stained glasses? They are in the way when you wash your hair. It’s just not a good idea to try and wear glasses in the shower.

So, you get in the shower with the two containers, and you cannot see the print. You don’t know which one is the shampoo and which one is the conditioner. If you use the wrong one for the job, yeah, you’ll figure it out when the conditioner doesn’t make suds and the shampoo does not condition anything. But why does it have to be so difficult? But after all that, your shower just took a whole lot longer than you planned, and it’s possible you don’t have lots of extra time for all this.

Honestly, can you all work on this? Larger print please. Even if it’s just the first letter. Or maybe some picture clue. Whatever.  Thanks for listening!

5 thoughts on “Pet Peeve #2 – Shampoo: An open letter to the hair products industry”

  1. So true about tiny, unreadable print!
    My problem is is all the chemicals put in those multiple kinds of shampoos and cream rinses. Read the labels, if you can due to the even tinier print, and you will find scary assortments of chemicals which create all those magical characteristics. At the advanced age of 82, I’ve developed allergies to many of these chemicals and must find “free and clear” products that clean but leave the hair lifeless. Why did I develop these allergies? Because of all the years of using those talented chemicals. Beware.
    However, tiny print problems persist on this substandard shampoo, too; so thank you for urging manufacturers to enlarge the print on the bottles.


    1. Kitty, I have a friend here who becomes instantly ill from some odors, and like you cannot be around any perfume. It reminds me of what you endured at times if we were someplace like an elevator and someone was highly perfumed in the confined and poorly ventilated space.


  2. Agree- I don’t have normal hair , but the packaging comments sure hit home! Good job!

    Sent from my iPhone


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